Best Podiatrist in Wauwatosa: What is Turf Toe?

Turf toe is the common term used to describe a ligament sprain around the big toe joint. It is a painful condition that frequently occurs in sports (the term originates from football players who practice on artificial turf). The best podiatrist in Wauwatosa explains more below.

What is Turf Toe?

Turf toe is a sprain of the ligament joints surrounding the big toe, which facilitates up and down motions. Behind the big toe joint, there are two small, round bones (called sesamoids) in the tendon that move your big toe and function as a pulley for the tendon. Damage caused by turf toe impairs the tendon’s ability to absorb weight from the ball of the foot and limits leverage when running or walking.

Causes & Symptoms of Turf Toe

Turf toe is caused by jamming the big toe or repeatedly pushing off the big toe with force (such as running or jumping). The condition mainly affects athletes who play soccer, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, and dance. The symptoms include:

  • Pain in the big toe
  • A “pop” noise or sensation when the injury occurs
  • Reduced joint movement
  • Swelling

This condition’s symptoms will worsen over time without treatment or if you continue to play sports without healing the ligament first.


At-home treatments include RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. For mild cases, these approaches will usually resolve the pain and swelling while the ligament heals. In moderate cases, you may need crutches or a walking boot while the injury heals.

In the most severe cases, surgery may be needed to fix broken bones in the foot, a torn ligament, or joint damage. While surgery is a last resort, sometimes it is necessary to get the best outcome and get back on your feet!

Contact The Best Podiatrist in Wauwatosa To Learn More Today!

If you would like to learn more about this and other topics related to podiatry, feel free to contact Milwaukee Foot & Ankle Specialists, with a convenient podiatry office located in Wauwatosa by calling (414) 246-9575 or by clicking here.

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